Sunday 3 June 2012

Milford Lagoon

After spending ages looking for Amazon on the Thames for the pageant, which we did do by means of a still photo in amoungst all the video, we decided to go out to Milford Lagoon for lunch. Sunny Queens Birthday Monday. Was really warm and quiet. This is a great spot for kayaking as you can go quite a way up the river and see the odd trout underneath.

Saturday 2 June 2012

Trailer for kayaks

Yesterday and some of today we made cradles to take the kayaks on our garden trailer. We had spoken to a couple at Loch Laird who had bought a proper roof rack and 2 kayak accessories for their trailer and it looked easy. The chap had built his own out of wood and they had failed to keep his kayaks on! So we investigated at an auto supplies shop and left without due to the hideous cost. We tossed ideas around and have come up with something that works very well and was cheap. We gave it a good test over some serious bumps!